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War and the Environment: Lessons From Palestine, Congo, and Sudan Speak Environment

Today’s episode explores the intersections of war and its impact on the environment using contemporary conflicts across Palestine/Israel, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Sudan. 2023 brought about the beginning of horrific wars and humanitarian crises in the Middle East and Africa. This episode explores these crises and how they are impacting the air, land, and water in each place. Disclaimer: This episode is not entirely objective. Nor is it a comprehensive deep dive into the history of these locations and the root causes of each conflict. For further reading/listening please see these interactive infographics. Or, visit the Speak Environment blog for links and downloads for all reference materials used in today's episode: https://speakenvironment.wordpress.com/2024/02/02/podcast-episode-war-and-the-environment-lessons-from-palestine-congo-and-sudan/ Intro/outro music is provided by Scott Homes under a free Creative Commons License: https://scottholmesmusic.com/
  1. War and the Environment: Lessons From Palestine, Congo, and Sudan
  2. Sustainable Forest Management: A Case Study on the McDonald-Dunn Research Forest with Hunter Grove
  3. When a Wildland Firefighter Turns Plant Nursery Supervisor with Jeremy Ojua
  4. Ask a Sustainability Grad: All Things Sustainability with Alli Wodar (Earth Minded)
  5. Phenology: It's All About Timing!

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